Tom Camacho has just released a book ‘Mining for Gold’ which is all about developing leaders through Kingdom coaching. Tom is the coaching co-ordinator in the states, and we caught up with him to find out all about this new book.
Tom, tell us about the new book you have coming out?
Mining for Gold is really my own story and the story of all of us. God created us with a distinct design and purpose so we reveal Him to the world. For years I did not have clarity of how my identity and design revealed my purpose and calling. When I encountered the powerful leadership tool of coaching, everything changed. It was like a bust of wind filled the sails of my heart and life. Since I’ve applied the principles I share in the book, I have seen many people find freedom, joy and momentum in their life and calling when they cooperate with God and receive helpful coaching. I am so excited that this resource can help leaders find freedom and joy in their calling. I pray that it helps lots of people.
So what is coaching, for those that aren’t aware of it?
Coaching is the process of coming alongside a person to help them to discover their God-given purpose and design and assist them so they cooperate with God’s plan for their lives. Coaching is one of the most powerful leadership skills available to us today. My premise in the book is that through the incorporation of coaching principles in our everyday leadership, we can multiply our impact and see many people around us set free to thrive in their lives and leadership.
How does coaching relate to our theology of the Kingdom?
The theology of the kingdom is built on the premise that all of life is about the rule and reign of the Jesus, the King. We cannot find our true identity and highest purpose apart from God and His Word. We were each created with a unique and beautiful design to serve the King and His eternal purposes. Our gifts were given to us to steward and invest so that the kingdom increases and multiplies, helping more and more people around the world find life in Jesus. When we find clarity in our kingdom identity and purpose, it is like heaven’s wind begins to blow in your life’s sails. We begin to thrive when we put the Kingdom first and His righteousness.
How did you get into coaching?
Years ago someone recommended me for a coach training with the Vineyard. I said yes, not knowing coaching was at the heart of my kingdom design and purpose. When I was introduced to coaching, it was like a thousand light bulbs came on inside of me. I felt like I was born to do it and help others with this incredible tool. In time I became the coaching coordinator for Multiply Vineyard, the Church Planting arm of the Vineyard USA. I have now committed my heart and life to helping others thrive through coaching.
What is the Gold that you hope to mine through coaching?
There are two different veins of gold in the body of Christ: leaders and the Christ-image in every believer. Malachi 3:5-6 is the foundational scripture for the book. In that verse, God says that He sits as the refiner of the sons of Levi, who represent the leaders in God’s ongoing kingdom work. God mines the gold in each of them and then refines that gold for His kingdom purposes. Thriving godly leaders are like precious gold in God’s economy. The second aspect of gold is the God-image in every believer. Through the new birth, every believer carries the treasure, the gold, of God’s image in their design and personality. Paul called this treasure, “Christ in (you), the hope of glory. (Col 1:27). The Holy Spirit is mining and refining this gold of leaders and believers all the time and everywhere on earth.
Tell us a story of how coaching has helped someone achieve a breakthrough in their life.
I was working with one influential leader helping him get clarity about his unique design and kingdom purpose. He had many roles and places of influence in ministry, but he was feeling drained and stuck in his leadership. Without knowing the area of his design and calling, he lacked the focus he needed to thrive. After many hours of work we were getting closer but the breakthrough still hadn’t come. As we processed his life and calling together, the Holy Spirit suddenly dropped a word picture in my mind about his life and leadership. As I began to share God’s heart for him, it was like the dam broke. His heart was unlocked and he began to say, “Yes, yes, yes! That is who I am. It makes sense now!” When he got clarity about God’s design and purpose for him, everything changed. We rejoiced in God’s revelation and the newfound joy and freedom he experienced. He continues to thrive and grow in his relationships and calling. God wants us to know our true identity, design and purpose, and He will help us find it.
What could happen if we as a movement experienced these coaching conversations everywhere?
This is the true power of Mining for Gold: the potential for Kingdom multiplication. If we all learned how to mine for the gold in those around us and helped them learn to mine for gold in others, the transformation could be earth shattering. There are a vast number of people all around us who need help finding their God-given identity and design so they can thrive and bear great fruit. The challenge is to focus on mining for gold with all the many demands and challenges we face every day. Developing people is our greatest purpose and our most valuable contribution. Our greatest legacy as leaders is to leave behind a growing group of leaders who’ve found their kingdom purpose and are thriving in that calling. The image of Christ’s whole body living fully alive and thriving is the burning vision that birthed this book and the whole concept of mining for gold.
Do you think anyone could be a coach?
I believe everyone can learn the simple concepts and principles of mining for gold. We can learn to draw out the gifts and identity God has placed in others. I’ve seen people learn the basic principles in just a few hours, but it takes lots of prayer and practice to become great at it. I don’t think everyone is called or equipped to be a highly successful life or leadership coach. Coaching is now a professional discipline with standards and certifications. Everyone is not called to be a professional coach, no. But the principles of coaching are fairly simple and can be incorporated into our everyday practice of leadership. It also helps us in all our other relationships: marriage, parenting and being a great friend.
Could you give us some basic tips?
Without laying out all the details of the book. The basic tips are to slow down and ask God to show you the gold in people. We cannot mine for gold in others until we begin to see them through the eyes of the Spirit. Pray and ask God to show you how He sees the people you work with. Mining for gold requires us to truly let go of our own thoughts and judgments and allow the Holy Spirit to show us His thoughts and purposes for a person. We give the Holy Spirit control of the person’s development. Take time to deeply listen to others, ask God where He is working in their lives, and then help them cooperate with what the Father is doing. It is an incredible privilege and a powerful process.
What, from your experience, is the starting point for becoming someone who can mine precious Kingdom treasure in those around us?
The starting point is to make the shift from trying to develop others in your own power and wisdom and to submit to the power and leadership of the Holy Spirit. That is the beginning. God knows who He made each person to be and He has a plan to bring them into thriving so they flourish and bear much fruit. Everything begins with letting go and letting God be in control of the mining and refining process. Once we are trusting the Spirit, we can then learn the simple skills and processes that help us mine for the gold in them.
About the book
Godly thriving leaders are precious and valuable, but developing those leaders is not easy. Many leaders feel stuck, tired and frustrated in their growth and calling. This can change. In Mining for Gold, pastor and master-coach, Tom Camacho, offers a fresh perspective on how to draw out the best in ourselves and in those around us. Cutting through the complexity and challenges of leadership development, he gives us practical and effective tools to help leaders grow personally and develop those around them. Coaching, through the power of the Holy Spirit, provides the clarity and momentum we need to grow. When we get clarity, everything changes. Coaching helps us better understand our identity in Christ, our God-given wiring, and how we naturally bear the most fruit. There is gold in God’s people, waiting to be discovered. Let’s learn to draw out that treasure and help others flourish in their life and leadership.
If you’d like to find out more about Coaching head here.