Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland

Vineyard Worship

Multiply Vineyard


Multiply Day of Prayer

Monday 3rd July

In July we are inviting churches across the movement to join us for a Day of Prayer for multiplication.

As John Wright shared at VLG, we believe that the local church is the hope for the world and we know that there are missing Vineyard churches all across our nations. We want to pray and partner with what God wants to do and would love for you to stand with us in intercession. We have listed some prayer points below, and you can download graphics to share with your churches if you would find that helpful.

Prayer Points

Click here to download graphics

1. An increased culture of Kingdom multiplication at every level in the local church, particularly our:
•  Small groups
• Kids and youth ministries
• Worship leading
• Alpha and other missional tools
• Compassion ministries
• Site planting

2. God to be raising up, and helping us identify and champion, the next wave of leaders in our Movement.

3. Those who have just attended our Multiply Regional Discernment Days. That the Lord would be faithfully revealing next steps.

4. Our College students, that the Spirit would be opening the right doors for them as they continue to walk out their calling.

5. The cohort of prospective planters and succession candidates who will be at our Launch Training in September. That they’d be equipped, encouraged, and have clarity on God’s timing.

6. Those who have launched churches, sites, and taken on leadership of existing churches in the past year. That God would be providing all the strength and wisdom they need for the journey, and make them fruitful.

7. That we would see an acceleration in the planting of new churches across our nation.


03/07/2023 – 03/07/2023

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