Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland

Vineyard Worship

Multiply Vineyard


Multiply Summit

27th-28th June 2024

A catalytic event for a multiplying movement.

The Multiply Summit is gathering those exploring a call to church leadership, those currently pioneering and church planting, and leaders wanting to cultivate a culture of multiplication. We will be gathering to worship as one community, as well as breaking into specific streams tailored to your context.

This year we will be joined by Eric and Julia Pickerill, who previously planted and led Vineyard Amsterdam, and now lead Vineyard Columbus. They bring a wealth of experience having planted and pioneered overseas, and taken on the leadership of an established church. 

The Summit will start at 9:30am on Thursday 27th of June and finish at 5:00pm on Friday 28th June 2024.

The main purpose of Streams is to enable conversations and connections. There will be three Streams throughout the Summit:

Discerning Stream
You are in the process of exploring whether God is calling you to church leadership (planting, leading a site or taking on the leadership of an existing Vineyard).

Planting Stream
You are in the process of planting a church or launching a site. This would predominantly be for people in the first three years.

Senior Pastors Stream
You are the Senior Pastor or a senior leader of an established church looking to intentionally multiply healthy Kingdom communities.

Multi-Site Conversation: You are the Senior Pastor of an existing multi-site church. This conversation will start within the Senior Pastors stream.


27/06/2024 – 28/06/2024


Trent Vineyard, Nottingham


£100, or £75 under 25 concession


The Summit will start at 9:30 on Thursday 27th of June and finish at 16:00 on Friday 28th June 2024.

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