These pages provide guides and resources on how to use the Vineyard Churches trademark and the correct use of it within your church.
Use the forms below to create a logo for your church. Select your preferred options below, then click ‘submit’ to generate the logo files.
Typography – Automatic typographic generators such as this one rely on the letter spacing and kerning inherent within a typeface. While we have done our best to ensure the logo created is of the highest quality a computer is not able to provide you with the artistic eye for detail that an experienced graphic designer can.
Colour – The images created here use web based technologies, as a result the images are produced in RGB colour format. Please note that many printers will expect images to be provided in CMYK colour format. There are many programs available which can make the conversion from RGB to CMYK.
Resolution – These images created use web based technologies, as a result the images are produced at 72 dpi (dots per inch). This resolution is perfect for screen based technologies, but provides a lesser quality for print based materials. To overcome this the images generated are very large (approximately 5000 pixels wide), so that when they are converted to a a resolution suitable for print, the quality will be retained. The PDF maker below will produce vector based print quality documents. The best format for a logo to be in for large format printing is EPS – you can either open the PDF version of your logo in Adobe Acrobat as EPS to do this ... or employ the skills of a graphic designer.
Please note: The PDF will launch in a new tab. The PDF embeds the fonts, therefore you will be able to view the file and and print with programs such as Preview, Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Photoshop. However to make edits and changes, in a program such as Adobe Illustrator — you will need to download the fonts or save the PDF as an EPS file first (in Adobe Acrobat). You may want to employ the skills of a graphic designer to do this.
N.B. Please disregard prior versions (before 2018) of the VCUK and VCUKI logos.
Design Notes
See the page ‘How to use the trademark with your own logo’ at the bottom of this page. These have been provided to clearly explain how to use the Vineyard logo correctly within your church.
These downloadable graphics are provided as an easy way to use the Vineyard Churches logo. We have provided PNG (web), JPEG (high-resolution) and vectors files for you to use.
PNG files are designed for use online; the jpegs are ‘ready-for-use’ and just need to be downloaded; whilst the vector is provided for churches who have design skills at hand and will be working with professional design software. With either use please do not alter the graphics provided, other than to resize and colour where appropriate.
The Vineyard Fonts
The Vineyard Logo font (which provided previous versions of the VCUK and VCUKI logo) is no longer in use. Please refrain from using this. All graphics needed have been made available through these pages.
The Vineyard Light font is still available for download, this is a lower case (a-z) typeface which can be used in your church logo and literature.
Legal Notice
You must also include the legal notice in the footer of any website or printed material where the Marks are used.
‘VINEYARD’ is a United Kingdom and European Union trade mark registered to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. The ‘VINEYARD CHURCHES’ logo, Vineyard ‘grapes’ device and ‘VINEYARD’ with ‘grapes’ device logo are all registered trade marks of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. Used here under license. All rights reserved.
Regarding your own logo
Notes and graphical examples showing how to implement the provided Vineyard elements in order to correctly use the Vineyard Churches Trademark in your church.
The grapes device may be used in black,
or any colour
UNLESS using the filled in grapes device, in which case they must be in prescribed blue (RBG(0,142,214) / Pantone 2925 / #459DD3) filling and black outline.
The word ”vineyard” may be used with
or without either grapes device,
but if the grapes device IS used, the device must be used as set out, namely immediately before the word “vineyard” and without alteration to the design, and in that case the word “vineyard‘ must be used in vineyard style shown here.
On your website, letterheads and compliment slips you must include the phrase “Affiliated to (grapes logo) vineyard churches ®”, in the precise format shown. There must be no alterations to this graphic.
The wording:
‘VINEYARD’ is a United Kingdom and European Union trade mark registered to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. The ‘VINEYARD CHURCHES’ logo, Vineyard ‘grapes’ device and ‘VINEYARD’ with ‘grapes’ device logo are all registered trade marks of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. Used here under license. All rights reserved.
these should be used on webpages (anywhere) and on documents (as a footer), to show that any rights flowing from the churches’ use of the mark will accrue to us as the registered owners.
Design notes in full
The grapes device may be used in black, white or any colour UNLESS using the filled in grapes device, in which case they must be in prescribed blue (RBG(0,142,214) / Pantone 2925 / #459DD3) filling and black outline.The word ”vineyard” may be used with or without either grapes device, but if the grapes device IS used, the device must be used as set out, namely immediately before the word “vineyard” and without alteration to the design, and in that case the word “vineyard‘ must be used in vineyard style shown here.
On your website, letterheads and compliment slips you must include the phrase “Affiliated to (grapes logo) vineyard churches ®”, in the precise format shown. There must be no alterations to this graphic.
The wording “‘VINEYARD’ is a United Kingdom and European Union trade mark registered to Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. The ‘VINEYARD CHURCHES’ logo, Vineyard ‘grapes’ device and ‘VINEYARD’ with ‘grapes’ device logo are all registered trade marks of Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland. Used here under license. All rights reserved.” should be used on webpages (anywhere) and on documents (as a footer) to show that any rights flowing from the churches’ use of the mark will accrue to us as the registered owners.
- Logo must conform to our trademarks as shown above, including the correct use of the grapes device if used.
- Website, letterheads and compliment slips include the ‘affiliated to’ graphic.
- The correct ‘used here under licence’ wording is used on your website and on your documents.
If you have any questions about the use of the Vineyard Churches logos please contact Mark Crosby ([email protected]) or for legal questions please contact Tom Bell ([email protected]).
Downloads for you to use in your church.
Affiliated to
JPEG – high resolution image ready for use in print
AI (CS3) – vector file for design use
Vineyard Churches logo
JPEG – high resolution image ready for use in print
AI (CS3) – vector file for design use
Vineyard with grapes
JPEG – high resolution image ready for use in print
AI (CS3) – vector file for design use
Vineyard with blue grapes
JPEG – high resolution image ready for use in print
AI (CS3) – vector file for design use
JPEG – high resolution image ready for use in print
AI (CS3) – vector file for design use
Plain grapes
JPEG – high resolution image ready for use in print
AI (CS3) – vector file for design use
Filled in grapes
JPEG – high resolution image ready for use in print
AI (CS3) – vector file for design use
Download all graphics
Download every PNG, JPEG and AI file on this page as one zipped file.
Vineyard Light font
The Vineyard Light font is available for download, this is a lower case (a-z) typeface which can be used in your church logo and literature. There are no restrictions on the use of this. Please note that this is strictly for Vineyard churches and brands directly linked or overseen by VCUKI due to copyright. Any external use will require a license agreement request from VCUKI.
Vineyard Light font – Mac
Vineyard Light font – PC