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A Heart For Multiplication

Chuck & Taryn Freeland

Our Multiply Podcast hosts conversations aimed to stir, equip and provoke. Through interviewing thinkers, practitioners and pioneers, we aim to inspire and equip Kingdom people to launch Kingdom communities.

In this Multiply Podcast episode, Paul Lowe interviews Chuck & Taryn Freeland (Church Planters and Lead Pastors of Catalyst Vineyard – a multisite church in Aberdeen, Scotland). They talk about their heart for multiplication and their journey of leading a multisite church, encouraging leaders who might want to take this step.


Why would you want to live a boring life when you can have an adventure? In the Bible people seem to have adventures when they follow God. So let’s live like that.

When God speaks, even if the whole thing flops, even if what we feel the vision he’s given us doesn’t come to anything, we have to give it a go. We have to be obedient. 

We see a society that’s being shaken and all of the tenets of our culture being challenged. And in the process of all of that, it just is inconceivable to us that God couldn’t have a redemptive purpose.

Even though it’s been horrible this season, actually isn’t it just impossible to keep your hope repressed for too long? We have to believe that somewhere amongst it there’s a redemptive purpose.

We have to believe that somewhere amongst it there’s a redemptive purpose.

We have to lift our eyes and look for where God’s at work, and then try not to dwell too much on the places where he doesn’t seem to be at work, and just lean in and and trust that somewhere amongst it all, God is going to use whatever contribution we make.

The advantages of being multisite is that you get to reach people in their locality, in their community, but you get to share the benefits of being a bigger church at the same time. 

When we give people a small amount of vision, or a vision that is unworthy, then we’re causing people to waste their lives and use their time on things that don’t matter.

Don’t wait to be identified by somebody else, or be picked out whilst you’re standing against the wall waiting. Just tell someone and share the vision that God’s giving you.

I think fear has a massive hold on all of us. We would easily just remain and not do anything or not put ourselves forward or think there’s somebody better qualified with better gifts. That limits multiplication. 

All we have needed God has provided. From our smallest site to our biggest site, everything we need is in the house. There are people that are sitting on treasure troves of huge gifting, amazing leadership and we just need to tap into that.

everything we need is in the house

Somehow, in worship, everything seems to start to make sense. When you’re in God’s presence, you start to realise God’s big enough, that he probably knows, he probably isn’t surprised at my inadequacy.

Most of us probably feel a bit like, how about how on earth did I end up doing this? And as a result of that, we’re all quite dependent on on God.

Whether whether we’re broken, whether we need healing, or whether we’re having the time of our lives, in worship God meets us wherever we are.

The secret is simple – you just do what Jesus asked you to do. And as a result of that, there’s some fruitfulness there.

The secret is simple – you just do what Jesus asked you to do.

All we’re trying to do is just listen to God, follow what the Spirit leads us to do, and try to be as obedient in that as as possible.

It’s just about doing what you’re told, and then allowing Jesus to be the senior pastor of the church.

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