Jamie Watters shares about how God has not stopped working in Glasgow…
During the month of September, we held two baptism services on the banks of Loch Lomond. It was such an honour baptising six amazing people who are all in for Jesus. As a pastor, it was a joy to hear the testimonies of our baptismal candidates, of how the Holy Spirit has intervened in their lives. Sometimes prophetically, sometimes through healings and at other times through unique personal encounters. I was also encouraged by the way our church has created environments of love, support and witness that has had such a major impact on people’s lives.
I’m sure we have all experienced both the worst of times and the best of times through this pandemic. Our Spiritual enemy may have capitalised on the pandemic by shutting down church buildings, but the flip side is also true! God has used this pandemic to reset and relaunch the church, affording us all the opportunity to do things completely differently, oftentimes without the security blankets and facilities we were so used to.
We haven’t been in our Sunday venue since March 2020 and won’t be able to get back into our Sunday venue until the 17th of October for in-person services. But during those nineteen months of not being able to gather together physically in the building, has not stopped God working through his church – saving, healing, delivering and providing. “The harvest is plentiful and God is on the move, all we have to do is keep up with him.”