In the Vineyard, we just love telling stories. God is at work and in recognising and sharing this, we give him the honour and glory that he deserves. There is so much happening across our Movement! Sharing stories about what God is doing encourage us, inspire us, and remind us that we’re not alone – we’re part of a much bigger family.
Here are some of the stories we have shared through the start of 2020. We hope they build your faith and encourage you to dream big!
Beehive Boutique (Ashford Vineyard)
The Beehive is a second-hand clothing boutique run by Ashford Vineyard, with the simple aim of making women feel beautiful; valued and that they matter. We had the privilege of chatting to Becca, Beehive Manager to find out about the Beehive story. Read the full story here.

Knocking at the door of your heart (Riverside Vineyard, London)
Last month we received this great story about someone responding to Jesus which you can read below!
Healing at ‘Big Church’ (Birmingham Vineyard)
Birmingham Vineyard is multisite church but a few times a year, all sites and services come together for ‘Big Church’. We heard this amazing story of healing from their last Big Church gathering.
Deciding to follow Jesus (Birmingham Vineyard)
We heard this great story from Birmingham Vineyard after a couple felt God prompting them to head along to a church service one Sunday.
Congregation in a Retirement Complex
In October last year we heard this amazing story from Neil and Jenny at Winchester Vineyard who felt God asking them to move into an independent living retirement complex before they felt ready. They trusted God and were obedient to his voice, and have had some incredible opportunities to share the love of Jesus as a result.
We filmed them telling their story and showed it at The Vineyard National Leaders’ Conference last month. You can watch it below, or read their story here.
Vision Leads to Baptism (Stirling Vineyard)
The Vineyard National Leaders’ Conference we heard stories of people who had stepped out in obedience to God. Hannah Shewan planted Stirling Vineyard in November 2018 & shared how someone from another faith began exploring Christianity in their community and found Jesus.
Here are some photos of Abdullah’s subsequent baptism!
Finding Hope in Jesus (Trent Vineyard)
Last month at the National Leaders’ Conference, we shared an amazing story from Chris at Trent Vineyard. Growing up in a dysfunctional family of alcoholism and abuse, Chris shared how he turned to drugs to escape and to feel something, but how after meeting Jesus whilst at rehab he now has hope for a better future and for a life lived with God. Watch his story below!
Eyesight Healed (Vineyard Church Cardiff)
In the Vineyard, we believe in a God that loves to heal & sometimes we are engulfed by the Spirit just by being too close to what he’s doing. At the National Leaders’ Conference, Keith from Cardiff was praying for someone else when his eyesight was healed! You can read his remarkable story here.
We’ve loved hearing so many stories over the last couple of months! If you have a story from your church that you’d love to share, please email us here.