Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland

Vineyard Worship

Multiply Vineyard


Story Roundup: October 2020

Stories from across the movement

In the Vineyard we love to share stories! Here are some incredible stories from churches across the UK and Ireland from the month of October. 

Bags of Hope (Coventry Vineyard)

We just loved this story of hope from Coventry Vineyard.

The First Vineyard Drive-In Service (Stevenage Vineyard)

Church looks so different in this season. Stevenage Vineyard decided to organise a ‘drive-in church service’. Here’s how they did it…

Zoom Small Groups Success (Antrim Coast Vineyard)

Technology has played a significant role in what community has looked like in this season. We love this story about an online Small Group at Antrim Coast Vineyard.

One Mum has Never Felt More Connected

The internet has helped so many people stay connected. Here’s one example from Rayleigh Vineyard.

Opening a Free School Uniform Shop in the Heart of Plymouth (Plymouth Vineyard)

The start of a school term can be expensive for parents equipping their children with school uniforms. In Plymouth, they opened a shop giving away school uniforms for those struggling to afford them.

Feeding Isolated Students (Manchester Vineyard)

Students have been going through an incredibly difficult time as they’ve moved to new cities only to self isolate and be locked down. Here’s a story of how Manchester Vineyard jumped to action to respond to the needs of new students in their city.

Praying for Healing Over the Phone (Leeds Vineyard)

God loves to heal, and we’ve heard so many incredible stories of healing in this season!

Back to Church in Person: How One Church Found It (Winchester Vineyard)

Jo Hemming at Winchester Vineyard shared about their first in-person service. Read the full article here.

Jesus Appears in a Dream & Small Groups Connecting People Around the World (Rayleigh Vineyard)

God is moving in Essex. Here’s some stories from Rayleigh Vineyard.

A Living Room for Manchester

This is a season of creativity and compassion! Manchester Vineyard shared what they’re doing in this season to serve their city.

Yes to Jesus in Lockdown

Despite lockdown, restrictions and social distancing, people are still giving their yes to Jesus! Here’s a story of just that from Northern Ireland.

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