Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland

Vineyard Worship

Multiply Vineyard


The Leadership College is a key step in our movement’s pathway for leadership. That means that it could form part of your journey towards vocational ministry in the Vineyard.

It comprises of a year-long intensive part-time programme for those experiencing a compelling call to leadership and seeking to invest in that call in an intentional and deliberate way. We anticipate that many of those stepping into vocational ministry or church planting in the coming years, will be graduates of the Leadership College. If you haven’t participated in Leadership Essentials before, then this can be combined with the Leadership College.

If you have any further questions or would like to get in touch with a member of the College team, please email [email protected]. We’d also love to invite you to an open event.

• Tuesday 6th May 2025: sign up
• Tuesday 24th June 2025: sign up

• Thursday 5th June 2025: sign up


Our 4 Ministry Values


The course follows a curriculum which has been designed by experienced and seasoned leaders from around the movement. It has been shaped by educators in a way that takes account of the most recent research into how people learn and process information in a way that sticks.


Our intention is to create an environment in which your growth in knowledge and understanding is matched by a similar level of growth in faith, and expectation. Our desire is that each student would experience a significant measure of healing and spiritual development throughout the course of the year.


It says in the book of Proverbs that “as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” As soon as the College year starts, a rich and deep sense of mutuality and friendship will begin to form amongst the students, as a beautifully diverse student body is moulded by the Holy Spirit into a learning and growing community. These relationships will be formational during the journey and last for many years to come.

Caught and Taught

As well as high quality taught content from leaders and experts from the Vineyard around the world, a central aspect of the course is access; access to the leadership culture of your own church, and to many of the leaders at the heart of our movement. Deliberate space is created for informal conversation and observation, and there will be plenty of interaction and opportunity to ask questions.

Student Testimonials

Student from York Vineyard

I am continually learning how to choose faith over fear in all circumstances and seasons and that saying yes in obedience involves action that will almost always include sacrifice. I now know that being a single female does not in any way, shape or form disqualify me in stepping out as a church leader; it has taken this year in College to lay down and surrender my singleness fully to God.

Students from Vineyard Church Cardiff

We absolutely loved our College year. It was a step of obedience - following God’s leading with no clear destination other than equipping us to serve his Church. Over that year we were able to journey with our College family and learn heaps along the way! In January of 2024 we started as site pastors for the North site at Vineyard Church Cardiff. It’s amazing to still be connected with our College contingent and have a toolbox of resources from our year. Really glad we took the risk and did the year!

Student from Trent Vineyard

The College has been an amazing journey! Continued spiritual and personal transformation, getting out of the ‘grave clothes’ (nearly everything I wore was black) and instead embracing life and colour! I had also not expected much regarding diversity- but was struck by the intentionality of the team to bring us diverse speakers. I also discovered that I can do theology!!

Student from Catalyst Vineyard (Aberdeen)

I feel like a completely different person and leader after spending a year at Leadership College. I had the space to hear God’s voice, be challenged and grow into all he has for me. I felt like during this year God rewrote my history, helped me repent of the nevers I’d spoken over my life and now I want to see others restored to the people God made them to be. There is so much more freedom, joy and adventure with God than I thought possible.

Student from Belfast City Vineyard

This year in College I have loved connecting with my campus community and wider Vineyard family. In a very personal way, God has challenged me to trust him more in where he is leading me and increased my confidence in stepping into that.

Student from Wokingham Vineyard

Having asked my College mentor how I've changed over the year, she shared how my passion for the Kingdom is infectious... "you went looking for the Vineyard and found the Kingdom". I couldn’t say it any better myself! As someone who is fairly new to the movement I wanted to understand the Vineyard better, but what I was seeking was not what I needed. What I needed was to let go of some old hang ups and fully submit myself to Jesus. This year I found the wonders of the Kingdom and never plan to let it go.