The Vineyard Leadership College aims to equip students in a targeted way for their particular call to ministry, by enabling them to choose a particular Elective for around 20% of the taught sessions. The curriculum for these Electives has been carefully crafted by leaders in our movement who are seasoned and well-respected in their respective fields of expertise. During application, potential students must rank their choice of Elective in order of preference.
choose from one of these
• Pastoral and Pioneering Leadership
• Kids Ministry
• Youth Ministry
• Compassion Ministry
• Worship Ministry
Read more about each of these below.
Kids & Youth
It is our desire to see churches established throughout our nation continue for many decades and for countless generations.
We know that for this to happen we must invest in the emerging generations. These two electives are shaped by a number of leaders who are experienced in ministering and reaching out to kids, youth and their families.
These two electives will allow you to grow in gifting, understanding and experience of what it means to invest and equip our emerging generations as they step out with Jesus and see their lives and their world transformed by him.
Perhaps you remember the first time you stepped into worship and you realised you were not just singing about God but to Him? Or maybe you’ve heard others describe moments of encountering Jesus intimately in worship and their lives being forever changed as a result? If you are a worship coordinator, a worship pastor, or a worship leader or musician and you're interested in growing your leadership ability, this elective is for you. This elective allows you to grow in understanding of the values that underpin worship in our communities and give you the opportunity to grow and develop in your depth with Jesus, to learn from seasoned leaders, and to strengthen your skill and gifting as someone who leads others in Worship.

At the heart of the story of God we find a focus of God's attention, affection and provision for those who would find themselves on the fringes of society. God's heart holds a special place for the marginalised, the poor, and the brokenhearted. It has been a hallmark of our movement over many, many years and expresses itself in beautifully diverse ways across the nation.
This elective allows students to learn how they can cultivate a heart that reaches out to a wide range of people who are marginalised whilst also giving them the opportunity to develop in skill, gifting and ability as they reach out to those on the fringes.

Pastoral and Pioneering Leadership
Our heart is to see churches throughout our nation thriving and to see leaders released into the fullness of all that God has called them to. Perhaps you have a burning desire to see God’s kingdom come in your community, your city, or your region? Maybe you find yourself with a burning passion to see the church grow and strengthened and to see the Kingdom come in your workplace?
The pastoral and pioneering leaders elective is recommended to those students who feel a sense of call to church planting, church leadership or leadership in the workplace. Across the year you will have the opportunity to receive input from leaders across the life of our movement who have taken new ground and who have led people faithfully and well through many situations.