We hope the following FAQs answer your query. If not, please do get in touch using [email protected].
What does the application process involve?
Applications can be made via our website. Every potential student must complete an application form and must provide two references as part of this process. At least one reference must be someone who has spiritual responsibility for the student (e.g Senior Pastor, Associate Pastor etc).
Following receipt of your application and referees, and subsequent interview, your application will be assessed by members of the College team.
Apart from a Thursday how much time do I commit?
Students are encouraged to serve in their local church on Sundays and to give one – two evenings (or equivalent) to the life of their local church. In addition to this students should set aside study time of 1 hour each week to work through Theology modules.
Can I do Leadership Essentials and Leadership College at the same time?
Yes. Many people do exactly that.
Can I take holidays when I am doing the Leadership College?
We would ask all of our students to take holidays outside College term time to prioritise participation in the College program. Please have a look at our prospectus for term dates, residential dates and holiday periods.
What does the Theology component look like?
As part of the College, we will be studying three theology modules over the course of the year. Each of these modules requires some personal study at home and some group discussions which will happen during College days on a Thursday. You do not need to have any specific qualifications to study these modules.
What do I do if I cannot easily travel to a College Campus?
Being present in-person at the College Campus is a requirement for some of the sessions. However, for those students who live a significant distance away from a Campus, it is possible for them to join the hybrid classroom environment for a number of the other sessions.
We would encourage anyone who has an interest in studying with the Leadership College to get in touch to discuss their specific situation.
How do I access travel subsidies?
Travel subsidies are given only in the particular circumstances in which an individual who is travelling a significant distance to their nearest campus would need financial support to be able to do so.
We would encourage all students to make use of car-sharing where possible to reduce financial and environmental costs. Campus Heads will be available to help students connect with others from their local areas. In situations where students do car share, travel subsidies will only be given to one of the students.
However we want to ensure that money and travel are not barriers to students wishing to study with the college and so for those students who require additional funding, travel subsidies are awarded on the following basis:
Zone 0 // 0 – 45 miles – £0
Students who live within a 45-mile radius of their local campus do not qualify for a travel subsidy.
Zone 1 // 45 – 125 miles – £70 /year
Students who live within a 45 – 125 mile radius of their local campus will qualify for a £70 subsidy towards the cost of their College travel.
Zone 2 // 125+ miles – £140 /year
Students who live within a 125 + mile radius of their local campus will qualify for a £140 subsidy towards the cost of their College travel.
Travel subsidies can be applied for at the beginning of the College year in September. Forms can be accessed via your local Head of Campus.
How do I access the Scholarship / Bursary provision?
If you know that you require significant financial assistance in order to participate in the College course we would ask you to connect with your Senior Pastor. Senior Pastors can connect with our college team (at [email protected]) and access an application form.
Please be aware that all applying students are required to complete a comprehensive form that details financial income and outgoings. Applying students are also asked to submit evidence of their leadership journey. This can include but is not exclusive to videos that demonstrate your leading, testimonials of individuals you have led, examples of any resources / processes you have produced for your church. Scholarship and Bursary applications must be submitted by 19th June 2025.
Do all students have to have a College mentor?
Yes. This is a non-negotiable requirement of the course and, for many, one of the most life-shaping aspects of the course.
Do all students have to select a Ministry Elective from the five areas listed?
Yes. About 20% of the course content is taught in a Ministry Elective.
What happens if I am offered a College place?
You will be given four weeks to confirm the acceptance of your offer. This will require you to pay a non-refundable deposit of £349 and complete the registration process.
Are there different payment options available?
Yes. Have a look at our prospectus for the details.
What does a typical Thursday look like?

Do I have to buy any books as part of the course?
There are no formal reading requirements for the course but recommended reading is given by teachers and contributors. You can choose to go at your own pace with these and focus on the ones you feel the Lord and those around you are emphasising.
What are the key dates for 2025/26?
Term Dates
Term 1: 25th September – 4th December 2025
Term 2: 8th January – 19th March 2026
Term 3: 16th April – 25th June 2026
Induction & Residential Dates**
Induction Days: 23rd – 24th September 2025
Residential 1: 4-7th Nov 2025
Residential 2: 3-5th June 2026
**Please note that induction and residential dates take place on weekdays.
What happens if I have to stop doing College during the year?
There could be any number of situations a student might face during their College year which could disrupt their College rhythm (illness, loss, weddings etc). In all of these moments Campus Heads are there to support students and you can reach out to your Campus Head or the training team at any time. In our experience it is very rare that someone would have to step back from the College year entirely but you can read more about our terms and conditions here.
Ready to apply?
First, we would encourage you to invite the thoughts, prayers and considerations of those who know you well, including your pastor.
Secondly, soak the whole thing in prayer and ask the Lord for his direction.
Finally, if you’re ready to apply, the button below will take you to an application form which you will need to fill in.
We look forward to hearing from you as you step into all that God has for you.
Applications must be submitted by 31st July 2025.