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Vineyard Leadership Essentials (International) FAQ

We hope the following FAQs answer your query. If not, please do get in touch using [email protected].

Do we have to run Leadership Essentials with a group?
In our experience this course works best when it is undertaken in community and with time. It’s in the context of robust interaction and discussion with others that our best thinking is forged. We wouldn’t recommend someone going through the course on their own.

Can I run the Leadership Essentials course with multiple groups?
Yes. The license for use covers any group running within your church and so it can be used as many times as you like within the 2-year

How do our Essentials students access the materials?
All videos for the Essentials course are available to stream to your group when gathered together. All written materials that accompany the course are available to download and should be distributed to students by the course leader.

What happens when students complete / graduate Leadership Essentials?
Leadership Essentials is a stand-alone course that provides students with a strong foundational leadership understanding.

Once students have graduated from your Essentials course they could be asked to join your Essentials team, or you could signpost them to Vineyard Theological Training or some other local course for further investment.

What do I do if I encounter technical difficulties?
Help is readily available via the VCUKI Training team using [email protected]

Do I have to buy any books as part of the course?
There are no set core texts for the Essentials course but each module has a list of helpful resources that you can dig into if you want to develop your understanding.

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