What are we looking for in a
Why is succession important?
Because we don’t want our churches to retire with their founding pastors! We need both church planters and succession leaders to keep extending the Kingdom of God through Vineyard Churches.
What are we looking for in a successor?
You might be a leader already, maybe serving in an Assistant Pastor role somewhere, or you might never have had an opportunity to serve in leadership yet. You might feel like you know exactly what a Senior Pastor does, or have no idea, but have an inkling that the Lord is calling you to it. Or you might have felt that God speak to you about Senior Leadership but church planting has never felt quite right. Pastoral Succession might be for you.
If you’re excited about joining in with the story of a church and taking it on to what the Lord has for it, receiving the baton and running with the Lord for the next portion of the race, and if you have a passion to serve and lead a community, Pastoral Succession might well be what the Lord has in mind for you.
What’s the process like?
Pastoral Successors need to go through a handover process (ideally a long one!) to come alongside the existing Senior Pastors, get to know the church family – its culture, its values, and learn the nuances of leading that specific group of people.
That means that Pastoral Successors need to be able to learn under existing leadership, they need to be sensitive to the Lord’s leading, and sensitive to the needs of their specific church community before, during, and after the change in leadership. They then need to be able to discern and cast vision for a church community that they have inherited, rather than planted themselves.
A Pastoral Successor often needs patience and gentleness, and a desire to see a community nurtured, as well as inspired and brought into a new season of life.
Lastly, you don’t need to be ready for a Succession right away! It’s great to be able to plan ahead, so if you’re thinking this might be for you a few years down the line, we’d love to connect now, even just to chat about the possibility.